Monday, February 20, 2023

Lovely with 49 and Market Colour Swatch Blossom and ArtOptions Rouge by Fiona Johnstone

Hello everyone

Back with another layout created with the beautiful 49 and Market, using a mix of  papers and embellishments from the Colour Swatch Blossom and the Artoptions Rouge collections.


For this layout I have again chosen a pretty patterned background paper and teamed it up with some rub-ons from the Blossom collection. I have then layered two plainer papers under my photo, adding some tearing for texture. I've then added a couple of strips of the green paper under my base paper with some added tears to break up the pink. 

Rub-ons around the photo layers:

and cute butterflies from an older 49 and market collection teamed up with cute 49 and Market flowers and assorted chipboard hearts. 

adding some matching flowers and butterflies to the bottom right of my photo with some cute words and my title Lovely - both of which are from the Rouge collection chipboard word set. I added some rub-ons underneath my title for added definition. 

Thanks for visiting
See you next week


Products used:

49 and Market Colour Swatch Blossom - Collection pack 12x12
49 and Market Colour Swatch Blossom -Rub Ons 6x8
49 and Market Art Options Rouge - Collection pack 12x12
49 and Market Art Options Rouge - Chipboard Word Set
49 and Market Florets - Celery 

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