Friday, August 8, 2014

More "Capture Life" from Echo Park - By Linda Eggleton

Hello everyone :)
Today I have another layout to share using the fabulous "Capture Life" collection from Echo Park.
There are so many different colours in this collection, which makes it
suitable for any theme of layout.
This week we are going pink!
"Oh so serious!"
I've used the reverse side of the Brokeh Blur paper for my background & have added some template work using Kaisercraft's Bubble template & some modelling paste.
(A full list of products including links, is listed at the bottom of my post)

These are the alpha stickers from the Alphabet sticker sheet - love them!
The smaller black alpha's are from last month's kit - Simple Stories "The Story of Us"

Here I've clustered a few Green Tara & Petaloo flowers with some 2Crafty Heart Silhouettes
that I've coated in gesso then coloured with gelatos.

The "Memories" paper is one that I wished I had 2 of because I wanted to be able to use both sides!
The front side has all these fab squares with all sorts of images & words on them that are great for cutting out & using either as journal cards, as I have above or just for the images as I have in the pic below with the cute little pink viewfinder thingo.  The reverse side of this paper has a fabulous yellow pattern on that's the reason I wished I had got an extra sheet of this piece!

And here is a bit of an overall view, with a better close up of the template work on the background.
I use a plastic palette knife that came in a pack of about 3 or 4 from one of the cheap shops for spreading my modelling paste....I find these are easier to use rather than the old credit card that lots of people use.  I generally work out where my papers & embellishments will go and lightly mark them with pencil on the background paper, so that I can see where the modelling paste needs to go, plus I then know where the papers go when I adhere them down after I've finished with the background work.  I then lay the template on the page & get a rough idea in my head where I want to spread the modelling paste, and I try not to be too particular about it being perfectly spread
or to be covering the whole area of the template.
I hope that all makes sense! 
That's all from me for this week...I do hope you have been inspired by this fantastic collection :)
Until next time.... xx
Mont Marte - Modelling Paste

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! This is so gorgeous Linda!! As always you've showcased the photo beautifully here!! (Love that serious little face) The paper matches her little shirt beautifully and I love the added texture and the layers!! Simply stunning!! ox
