Friday, May 23, 2014

Crate Paper "The Pier" - By Linda Eggleton

Hi everyone :)
I am back today to share some more creations using the gorgeous
I have been pleasantly surprised at the variety of layout's I've been able to create with this collection, which just goes to show how super versatile it is.
First up is a layout based on the 15th May Stuck sketch.
"Cluck Cluck"
Don't you just love that Sunshine background paper?!?  I know I me, it is like a painting and is just gorgeous.  I thought it would be perfect showcased as the base for my page.  I've stitched a border around the edges with red cotton, and also mounted it onto the Shoreline paper (which is kraft based, but with colour) creating a small border around the outer edge.  The scalloped strips at the top of the page are from the throw away stip that I hand cut.

I've layered a variety of papers & stickers in under the photos and have inked all the edges in red to help give them a bit of definition against the busy background. 
The little tags are hand cut from the Splash PP.

A little cluster of Petaloo & Green Tara flowers...2Crafty butterfly &
some words cut from the Splash PP...and the little scalloped doily is cut from the Cotton Candy paper

And here is an overall view of the main area of the page.
Pics are of my daughter who was slightly clucky at getting to hold her 2nd cousin for the first time.
Next up, again using The Pier collection and based on Sketchabilities sketch #115
"KSMS Buskers"

This is another paper that I just had to use for a background - I seem to do that, use my favourite papers as my base!  I just love those numbers & the colours!  I've included a little bit of stamping on the background using Kaisercraft Chevron stamp & used some
torn & inked strips down the edges of the page.

Again, a little cluster of Petaloo & Green Tara flowers with one of the stickers, some punched leaves & a few brads from my stash.

Title is using Studio Calico alpha stickers & some AC Thickers from my stash....with some journaling strips to include the basics with more journaling is on the back of the page.
I've cut some more tags out from the Splash paper, and the other pieces to the right were also hand cut to look like frames to tie in with the sketch.

All the pieces that are layered in under the photos are literally little scrap pieces from a variety of the papers that I had left...I think this is becoming my favourite way to scrap - with scraps!! lol
Pics are from a trip to Melbourne a few years ago with work colleagues who jumped in with this busker along the Yarra & drew quite an audience & had a good old time :)
That's all from me today...I hope you have been inspired by this fabulous collection.
Until next time....take care & happy scrapping!
Linda  xx
Products used
Cluck Cluck
American Crafts - Thickers
My Minds Eye - Brads
Machine Stitching
KSMS Buskers
Kaisercraft - Texture Stamp - Chevrons
My Minds Eye - Brads
American Crafts - Thickers
Martha Stewart - Frond Punch

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