Sunday, January 19, 2014

February Crop Day & Classes

Hi everyone,
I know this post only applies to Sydneysiders, but I need to be able to share this
information here, so please bear with us if you are not local.
February crop day is the 8th February and is almost full, so if you are interested
in coming, please don't hesitate in letting me know.  Crop and classes
are held at Gymea Baptist Church and details can be found under the Crop Day banner
in the Blog header.
I wanted to pop by today and share the classes that will be held during this day, for
those of you who may not be able to come and spend the day with us, but
who may wish to come and take a class.
All classes are held in a separate room, and not with the girls who are there cropping
for the day.  Classes run for approximately 2 hours and you will need to bring
your normal crafting tools/basic kit.
The fee under each class, includes the class fee and the class kit, so tools and photos are
all you will need to bring, unless specified under the class sneak peek photo.
We have 2 classes being held in the morning and one in the afternoon, you are welcome
to just come for the class, and do not have to participate in the 12 hour crop day.
Firstly, Fiona is teaching the following page at 10am on the 8th, please be there at least
10 minutes before to get organised so that class can start on time.
Just a small sneak peek
In this class, Fiona will show you how to make a background, using
 Dylusions sprays, mask and texture paste. 
 Using Crate paper - Maggie Holmes Flea Market range to finish it off.
 Layout suited to predominately a feminine theme (as is very pink).
Fiona has used one 4x6" portrait photo in colour.  And has used the Title - Precious,
 if you'd like something else, please let me know when booking and I will organise
that for you before class.
Please note that numbers are limited, so please book in early to secure your place. 
 Cost is $23 and includes class fee and kit.
Darelle's Card Class - 10.30am on the 8th, please be there at least 10 minutes before
to get organised so that class can start on time.
In this class you will make a set of 3 cards, these cards would be suitable for
Valentines, Wedding,  Anniversaries or just to let someone know you "love them".
  All cards are decorate inside and out.
The middle card has an envelope to place a photo or a CD or a pocket for a gift card
 or similar, and has tags etc to write on.

Kit includes everything you will need to complete these card and the cost is $20 and includes class fee and kit.  Again, numbers are very limited, so please book in early to avoid disappointment.

And for our afternoon class, Darelle will teach this Heritage Style Double-page Layout
Just a sneak peek

In this class, you will be playing around with stencils, inks and highlight paint.
  Darelle has used heritage photos on the layout, but the vibrant blue colour will
 lend itself to any photos.
 Darelle has used one 6x4" and one 5x7" landscape photos, but you could also use
portrait photos as well.
Numbers for this layout are limited, and the cost of this double-page
 layout is $28 and includes the class fee and kit
To book into any of these classes, please send me an email via
 or via the FB page
please not all classes will require a deposit to be paid to secure your spot.
Thanks for stopping by

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